The Olympia School Board has unanimously agreed to place an Educational Programs and Operations Replacement Levy proposal before voters on the February 13, 2024 Special Election ballot.
The proposed levy is not a new tax. The measure on the February 2024 ballot would replace an expiring four-year educational programs and operations levy that voters approved in February 2020.
The replacement levy would continue to pay for programs and services that are not fully funded by state basic education funding. This includes some classroom and districtwide support staff such as paraeducators, custodians, social and mental health supports and security staff.
Levy funds would also help support middle and high school athletics and activities, transportation outside of the basic school day, special education, visual and performing arts programs, staff professional development, and maintenance and operations.
The Educational Programs and Operations Replacement Levy makes up about 16% of the district’s budgeted revenue.
What would it cost?
The replacement levy would raise an estimated $177.3 million over four years (Approximately $39.4 million in 2025; $42.5 million in 2026; $45.9 million in 2027 and $49.5 million in 2028).
The estimated maximum tax rate would be $2.50 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation. The levy tax rate is a function of the final dollar amount of assessed value of property within the school district.
An explanation of the state law, historical district tax rates, and tax rates estimated for 2025-2028, are included in a slide presentation shared with the Olympia School Board at its October 12, 2023 meeting. The presentation is posted on the Replacement Levy 2024 webpage.
For more information on the replacement levy proposal, including a list of frequently asked questions, visit the Replacement Levy 2024 webpage on the Olympia School District website.
Questions may be emailed to [email protected].