District News

Guaranteed Admissions Program available for qualifying students

Olympia School District has partnered with the Guaranteed Admissions Program (GAP) and two private universities which provide increased access to college admissions. Juniors will receive information about the GAP program. Qualifying seniors will receive guaranteed admission letters for up to eight Washington state colleges and universities.
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3D Printed OSD Community Mosaic

OHS Student Orion Hoppe (class of 2024) worked with the Maker’s Den to create the design which is a mosaic of 3D printed parts inspired by the 'We the Builders' project. Mr. Woodbridge’s Advanced 3D Design & Fabrication students will be managing the project, collecting the parts, and assembling the mosaic.
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Long Range Facilities Master Planning Advisory Committee Application

The Olympia School District invites those interested in volunteering to join our Long Range Facilities Master Planning Advisory Committee, which will help develop a new 10-year (minimum) master plan. The current long-range plan (developed in 2010) expires in 2025. Applications for the advisory committee will be open until Friday, September 27.
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Washington State DOH launches Safety Study Hall

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) recently published the Safety Study Hall website, a place for schools, students, and families to learn more about safety topics. Additional information about the site can be found below, including the House Bill 1230 content and links to state laws that provide schools, school districts, and educational service districts with direction on their next steps. If you have questions regarding the information below, please don’t hesitate to reach out to their team at [email protected].
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Feedback sought on 4000 & 6000 Board Policy Series

The Olympia School Board welcomes feedback about policies that are currently being reviewed by the Citizen's Advisory Committee (CAC) - Policy Review. The Advisory Committee is made up of students, family members, staff and community members who are leading the work of the district policy review in preparation for adoption by the school board.
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Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program

The Olympia School District is excited to announce the addition of no-cost Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) preschools to our district for the 2024-25 school year. We are actively recruiting students and staff for these pilot programs, which will be taking place at both Garfield and McLane Elementary school.
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Enrollment Reports Data Dashboard

Below you will find a link to the Olympia School District 'Enrollment Reports Data Dashboard'. This includes data from the last five school years and provides student enrollment information including monthly school and grade level data:
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Registration is open for Early Learning Programs

Olympia School District Early Childhood programs are now accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year. Located at many of our elementary school sites, OSD early childhood programs offer free and low-cost preschool options for all students. These options include Transition to Kindergarten, Developmental Preschool, and Early Support Services ("Birth-to-Three").
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Interested in being a substitute paraeducator?

Interested in becoming a substitute paraeducator? The Olympia School District, like districts across the region, state and country, is experiencing staffing shortages and a lack of substitutes. The following are some steps we have taken to mitigate our substitute shortage and related information:
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