Resources for Youth and Families

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Welcome to the Olympia School District 

Looking for information about support groups, crisis lines, help with meals or bills, social and emotional wellness, or tips for taming toddler temper tantrums? You can find all that and much more here at our Resources for Youth and Families webpage.

Whether you're a family that's brand new to the Olympia School District, or just wondering where to go to find answers to specific questions you've never known how to answer, here is a great place to start!

We know how overwhelming it can be at the beginning of the school year. Please do not be afraid to connect with us via any of the contact information included below. We are here to answer your questions!


Community Resources


National Suicide Prevention Hotlines


988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.


  • 988 (call or text)

  • 988 (chat)

  • Press 4 to be connected to the Native and Strong Lifeline


Trans Lifeline for peer support

Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and micro grants non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis.


  • 1-877-565-8860


Trevor Lifeline for LGBTQ+ Youth

Our trained counselors are here to support you 24/7. If you are a young person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, call the TrevorLifeline now at:


  • (866) 488-7386 or

  • text START to 678678.

  • Chat online


Jed Foundation

The Jed Foundation (JED) is a nonprofit that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for our nation’s teens and young adults, giving them the skills and support they need to thrive.


  • Text Home to 741-741 (To talk right now to a trained counselor)


Teen Link

A helpline for teens, by teens


  • (866) 833-6546


Local Crisis Resources


Crisis Clinic of Thurston County

The Crisis Clinic of Thurston County strives to empower people, especially those in crisis, through telephone intervention, information and referral.


  • Crisis Line: (360) 586-2800/1-800-627-2211


Catholic Community Resources - Crisis Stabilization Services

Crisis stabilization services are designed to assist youth who are experiencing a mental health crisis to help them remain in their homes and avoid hospitalization.


  • (360) 480-5721


Youth Helpline

Are you a youth needing someone to talk to? The Teen/Youth Help Line is a 24/7; free, completely confidential and totally anonymous phone line that you can call to talk about anything.


  • (360) 586-2777


Emergency Shelter Network Hotline

If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, please call the 24-hour homeless hotline at:


  • (844) 628-7343


Olympic Health and Recovery Services

Provide access to an effective, reliable safety net of behavioral health crisis and recovery support services throughout our region.


  • (360) 754-1338


SafePlace Olympia Helpline

SafePlace works to put an end to sexual and domestic violence through crisis intervention and education.


  • (360) 754-6300


StrongHearts Native Helpline for domestic/sexual violence

StrongHearts Native Helpline is a safe dating and sexual violence helpline for American Indians and Alaska Natives.


  • 1-844-762-8483


LGBTQAI+ Local and National Resources



PFLAG Olympia Chapter

Group meetings, one-on-one meetings, events and workshops.


  • (360) 628-8412


Pizza Klatch

Fostering resilience in LGBTQ+ youth to create a safe and positive school experience through support, education and empowerment.


  • (360) 339-7574


Stonewall Youth

Stonewall Youth is a youth-led organization that empowers LGBTQ+ youth to speak for themselves, support each other, educate our communities, and work for social justice.  Group meetings, emotional support, LGBTQ events, counseling referrals.


  • (360) 705-2738


OSPI - Gender Inclusive Schools

Civil rights laws prohibit discrimination and discriminatory harassment on the basis of gender expression and gender identity in Washington public schools. All students have the right to be treated consistent with their gender identity at school.




It Gets Better Project is a nonprofit organization with a mission to uplift, empower, and connect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth around the globe.

LGBT National Youth Talkline

Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ & questioning community ages 25 and younger


  • (800) 246-7743


PFLAG National Organization

PFLAG is the first and largest organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people, their parents, families, and allies.


Trans Lifeline for peer support

Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and micro grants non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis – for the trans community, by the trans community.


  • (877) 565-8860


Trevor Lifeline for LGBTQ+ Youth

Our trained counselors are here to support you 24/7. If you are a young person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, call the TrevorLifeline now at:


  • 1-866-488-7386, text START to 678678.

  • Chat online


The Trevor Project Ally training

This training is designed to create dialogue around being an adult ally for LGBTQ youth.


The Trevor Project: The Coming Out Handbook

Explore what coming out means to you with tools and guiding questions.


Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment


Behavioral Health Resources

As a multi-county provider of mental health and addiction recovery services, BHR offers programs and services to individuals, children, youth and families in the areas of mental health and chemical dependency recovery.


  • (360) 704-7170


The Emily Program

The Emily Program has become nationally recognized for our compassionate and personalized approach to eating disorder awareness, treatment, and lifetime recovery. 

673 Woodland Square Loop SE, Suite 330 Lacey, WA 98503



St. Peter's Chemical Dependency Treatment

Providence is dedicated to the health of each of our chemically dependent patients. We evaluate each patient holistically and treat them with the respect and concern they deserve.


Our full spectrum of care includes detoxification, inpatient treatment and a wide range of services


  • (360) 456-7575


Washington Recovery Help line

24 hours a day-7 days a week


  • 1-866-789-1511 (Call or Text)


Partners in Prevention and Education (PIPE)

Free therapy and support groups available to youth and young adult (ages 13-30) survivors of child sexual abuse, rape, sexual assault and/or sexual exploitation who are homeless, street-dependent, or at-risk for becoming homeless. 317 4th Ave E, Olympia, WA 98501


  • (360) 357-4472


Pathways Mental Health Services

Co-occurring Disorders: Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Gambling Addiction Counseling.  1230 Carpenter Rd. SE, Suite C-3, Lacey, WA 98503


  • (360) 799-5782


SeaMar Behavioral Health

We are a state-licensed community mental health agency. Our team of behavioral health providers is committed to the highest quality evidence-based treatment that is individualized to the needs of each child and family.


  • 3030 Limited Lane NW, Olympia, WA 98502
  • (360) 491-1399


Community Youth Services - Transitional Age Youth Program (TAY)

TAY offers therapy and peer counseling when and where a youth needs it.


  • (360) 918-7860


Community Youth Services - MultiSystemic Therapy (MST)

MST is effective with providing an intensive home and community based treatment to help families reduce acting out behaviors in their 12-17 year old.


  • (360) 918-7860


Catholic Community Services - Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)

WISe is a voluntary service that takes a team approach to meeting your child’s needs. It provides intensive mental health services to support your child and helps your family reach your goals.


  • (360) 878-8248


Washington's Mental Health Referral (Seattle Children's Hospital

  • 1-833-303-5437


Cowlitz Tribe Behavioral Health



Systems of Care Partnership

This site is provided by a coalition of Behavior Health Service Agencies offering a wide range of services in Mason and Thurston Counties. Most (but not all) of the programs are geared toward helping school-age children with behavioral health issues.


Seize the Awkward


WA State Department of Health - Teen Health Hub

Find links to quality, accurate information on health topics that are important to youth. Each link is vetted by DOH’s Adolescent and Young Adult Health Team and reviewed by the Youth Advisory Council.


Non-Medicaid/Private Counseling

Contact your medical insurance provider to obtain a list of in-network counseling providers.


Support Groups


Family Alliance for Mental Health

Support group for parents with children or youth who struggle with social, emotional, behavioral challenges and mental health needs


  • (360) 790-7505


South Sound Parent to Parent

All families caring for someone with special needs will receive the support and resources they need to feel empowered, encouraged, and supported.

  • (360) 352-1126



NAMI  is an organization that advocates for better lives of those who have a mental illness, and offers support and education


Family Education & Support Services


Groceries & Meals


Olympia School District Child Nutrition Services

Get the most recent information on meal distribution in OSD, including information on Free and Reduced lunches.


Olympia Education Foundation

The Principal’s Emergency Fund is a limited resource that assists students who have urgent basic needs. Contact your student’s school principal to learn about our grocery vouchers, which are redeemable at Bayview and Ralph’s Thriftway, Grocery Outlet (Olympia and Lacey) and Capitol Market. 


Rosie's Place Engagement Center (for ages 12-24)

We can help with food, shower vouchers, clothing, crisis intervention, shelter, family counseling, first aid, drug/alcohol treatment, hygiene supplies, job search and goal setting, legal support and advocacy, untangling school problems…and more!


  • 520 Pear St. S.E., Olympia

  • (360) 943-0780 Ext. 186


The Community Kitchen at Salvation Army

Lunch 11 a.m. - noon; Dinner 5 - 6 p.m. (Monday - Saturday)

  • 824 5th Ave. S.E, Olympia

  • (360) 352-8596


Thurston County Food Bank

Check website for specific days, times and locations.

  • (360) 352-8597


Washington Connection: Apply for Food Benefits


Housing, Finance & Legal


Olympia Education Foundation

The Principal’s Emergency Fund is a limited resource that assists students who have urgent basic needs. Contact your student’s school principal to find out if they are able to provide rental assistance or move-in expenses.


Community Action Council

The Community Action Council (CAC) strengthens individuals and families to lessen the impacts of poverty. Particularly in the areas of community engagement, health, hunger and housing.


  • (360) 438-1100


City Gates Ministries

In the course of connecting people in need to community resources, we seek to help them become emotionally and financially independent of programs and social services.


  • (360) 705-0291


Employment Security Department Unemployment Benefits

(800) 318-6022


Puget Sound Energy Assistance



Sacred Heart Emergency Outreach

Food pantry and utility and rent assistance.

(360) 923-0929


Catholic Community Services

(360) 753-3340



(360) 709-0931


Community Youth Services

(360) 515-5587


Family Support Center of South Sound



Homes First

(360) 236-0920


Housing Authority of Thurston County

(360) 753-8292


SafePlace Olympia

(360) 754-6300


Rosie's Place Engagement Center

(360) 943-0780


Salvation Army

(360) 352-8596


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families provides temporary cash for families in need.


Emergency Housing Information

Emergency Shelter Hotline



United Way of Thurston County

(provides assistance with rent, utilities and other basic needs).

(360) 438-1100 or (360) 943-2773


Veterans Families United

Veterans Families United will provide gentle, accessible and holistic healing resources for Veterans.


Salvation Army Warm Home Fund

(360) 352-8596


Thurston County Public Health and Social Services: Office of Housing and Homeless Prevention


NW Justice Project

NW Justice Project Native American Unit


Sound Legal Aid



Internet/Phone Options


Olympia Education Foundation

The Principal’s Emergency Fund is a limited resource that assists students who have urgent basic needs. Contact your student’s principal to find out if they can help provide free Internet access in your child’s home. (Must live in a Comcast service area and qualify for Free and Reduced Price Meals.)



Child Care Options





Olympia Education Foundation

The Principal’s Emergency Fund is a limited resource that assists students who have urgent basic needs. Contact your student’s school principal to learn about our laundry vouchers, which are redeemable for one wash, dry, and scoop of soap at Westside Laundry. 



Other Community Resources



Thurston County Legislators


22nd District


Sen. Sam Hunt

Contact Information


Beth Doglio

Contact Information


Rep. Jessica Bateman

Contact Information


35th District


Rep. Travis Couture

Contact Information


Rep. Dan Griffey

Contact Information


Rep. Drew MacEwen

Contact Information


Parenting Resources and Supports


Local Parenting Support and Classes


Olympia Education Foundation

Through our Mental Health Initiative we offer a Student & Community well being speakers series.


Parent Resources and Education


Mental Health

If you are concerned about your student’s mental health you can:



Mental Health Resources


Suicide Prevention


Educational Resources


Parenting Presentations - By OSD Counselors


Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)


What is Social Emotional Learning (SEL)?

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.


SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation. SEL can help address various forms of inequity and empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities.