4007: Employees Using Social Media (Jan 5, 2015)
4020: Confidential Communications (September, 2024)
4040: Public Access to District Records (September, 2024)
4050: Data Sharing with Local Tribes (September, 2024)
4060: Distribution of Information (September, 2024)
4110: Citizens Advisory Committees and Task Forces (Feb 26, 2018)
4120: School Support Organizations (September, 2024)
4130: Title I Parent Involvement (Jun 28, 2011)
4200: Parent Access and Safe and Orderly Learning Environment (September, 2024)
4210: Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises (September, 2024)
4215: Use of Tobacco Nicotine Products and Delivery Devices (September, 2024)
4217: Effective Communication (Dec 8, 2022)
4218: Language Access (June, 2022)
4220: Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs (September, 2024)
4230: Distribution of Materials (Aug 8, 2011)
4237: Contests, Advertising and Promotions (September, 2024)
4260: Use of School Facilities (September, 2024)
4300: Limiting Immigration Enforcement in Schools (September, 2024)
4310: District Relationship with Law Enforcement & Other Government Agencies (September, 2024)
4311: School Safety and Security Services Program (Sept 14, 2023)
4314: Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm (September, 2024)
4320: Cooperative Programs With Other Districts Public Agencies Private Schools and Daycare Agencies (September 2024)
4400: Election Activities (September 2024)
5000: Recruitment and Selection of Staff (September 2024)
5001: Hiring of Retired School Employees (September 2024)
5005: Employment Disclosures, Certification Requirements, Assurances and Approval (September 2024)
5006: Certification Revocation (September 2024)
5010: Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action (September 2024)
Olympia School District
111 Bethel Street NE
Olympia WA 98506
Office: (360) 596-6100