The Olympia Education Foundation is proud to present the 2023-24 Parent Education Series with parent coach Emily McMason. This yearlong parent education series is open to all Olympia School District families at no cost!
- Thursday, January 18 at 7 - 8:30 p.m. - Capital High School Library
Big Kids/Big Feelings: Families of students in grades 6-12, How to navigate your teens' emotional experience and build connections through middle and high school years.
- Thursday February 8 at 6 - 7:30 p.m. - McKenny Elementary Gym
The ABC’s of emotional Intelligence: Families of students in grades K-5, How to help our kids figure out their feelings while keeping our cool.
- Monday, March 11 at 6 - 7:30 p.m. - LP Brown Elementary Library
The ABC’s of emotional Intelligence: Families of students in grades K-5, How to help our kids figure out their feelings while keeping our cool.
Childcare available on site at no cost (children must be able to use the bathroom on their own)
For more information visit the Olympia Education Foundation website or contact [email protected]