As the first day of school approaches, we want to make sure families are aware of the cost of school meals should you decide to have your student purchase meals during the 2022-23 school year.
A Federal USDA waiver that permitted school districts to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students during the pandemic expires this month. Therefore, for the 2022-23 school year, the Olympia School District will resume charging for school meals at all schools except for:
- LP Brown, Garfield and Hansen elementary schools, and Jefferson Middle School, which qualify for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program. Breakfast and lunch will be served at no cost to all students at these four schools. While families at these schools are not required to fill out a free and reduced-price application, they are asked to fill out a “Consent to Share Program Eligibility form” and a “Family Income Survey form.” These forms will be mailed directly to families this month and are also posted on the district website:
- Families with approved applications on file for Free & Reduced-Price Meals.
- Free & Reduced-Price Meal Applications (English, Spanish, Vietnamese) and Consent to Share Program Eligibility forms are available to download on the district website (download, fill out, and return to child's school). Applications are also available for families to fill out online and submit directly via Skyward Family Access.
- Students with an approved free/reduced meal application on file from the 2021-22 school year in OSD will continue to be covered under that application through October 19, 2022. To continue receiving free/reduced-price meals beyond October 19, 2022, families need to submit a new application.
For all other students, school meal prices are noted below and posted on the district website. For students with a balance in their school lunch account in 2020, when the district first began serving free meals due to the pandemic, that balance has been preserved and is available for use in the 2022-23 school year.
School menus are updated monthly on the district website. Families are able to prepay for meals via Skyward Family Access (click the “Food Service” tab on the left side of the page). Payment information is located on the Child Nutrition Services webpage.
2022-23 OSD Meal Prices
Grades K-5
Breakfast: $2.00
Lunch: $3.00
Grades 6-12
Breakfast: $2.00
Lunch: $3.25
Breakfast: $3.00
Lunch $4.75
Milk ala carte: $.60