Middle School Info for Incoming Sixth Graders
Olympia School District’s four middle schools invite families of fifth graders to learn more about the transition to middle school. Opportunities to learn more about Jefferson, Reeves, Thurgood Marshall and Washington middle schools are listed below:
Jefferson Middle School
Parents and guardians of rising sixth grade students are invited to attend a parent information night at Jefferson Middle School from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 15, in the JMS library. Students are not required to attend. Parents will be provided with information that will focus on:
- Middle school class schedules
- Class registration process
- Navigating the transition to middle school
- Tips for middle school success
- Getting involved in activities/athletics
- Parent involvement at the middle school level
Representatives from JMS will visit classrooms at LP Brown and Garfield elementary schools this spring to present information about making the transition to middle school. Elementary students, and their teachers, will also visit Jefferson for a school tour in June 2023.
Reeves Middle School
Reeves Middle School would like to invite students and families to our school on Wednesday, March 8, from 6-7:30 p.m. for our 5th Grade Information Night.
This will be an opportunity to meet the RMS administration team as well as a panel of current Reeves students who will share their experiences and answer questions. Details regarding the RMS Arts Program (open to all students), which includes classes such as Wood Tech, Drama, Band & Jazz Band, Art, Creative Writing, Choir and Orchestra will also be available. Students and families will then have the opportunity to tour the school and see some of the classrooms.
For students that currently live in the RMS service area, and go to one of the RMS feeder schools, registration packets will be delivered to your students in April. For students that would like to attend RMS but live outside the school boundaries, a transfer list will open up with our District Office on April 10th. You can find details regarding student transfer here.
We know that students and families have a lot of questions about what to expect for middle school. Please send us your questions here so we can be sure to answer them on Information Night! If you are unable to attend Information Night, the presentation and FAQs will be posted on the RMS website after March 8.
Thurgood Marshall Middle School
Incoming sixth grade families are invited for a sixth grade Information Night on Tuesday, March 7 from 6-7 p.m.. The information Night will take place in the Thurgood Marshall Middle School cafeteria. Administrators and counselors will be there to provide an overview of everything that makes TMMS great, which includes:
- Sixth grade cohort (including how we support students' transition to middle school)
- How Project Based Learning is integrated
- The Citizen Science Institute (CSI) optional program
- Available elective options
- Extracurricular options
- And much more!
TMMS staff will visit classrooms at feeder schools (Hansen and McLane Elementary Schools) during the month of April to distribute registration and course scheduling materials. For students that would like to attend TMMS but live outside the school boundaries, a district transfer list will open on April 10, 2023. You can find details regarding student transfer here.
Families can also learn more about TMMS on the school website. A slideshow will be posted on the school website after the Information Night takes place. We look forward to welcoming your students to Thurgood Marshall Middle School.
Washington Middle School
Registration information, as well as a slideshow featuring videos about Washington Middle School, will be posted on the school’s website by Friday, March 31. The presentation will be posted as an Announcement on the school’s Home page. It will include a video message by Principal Paul Anders, comments by WMS students/staff and a glimpse into several classrooms and programs on campus.
Questions can be emailed to [email protected].