The Olympia School District is committed to helping keep students, staff, parents/guardians and community members healthy throughout the flu season. The district has partnered with the Seattle Visiting Nurse Association (SVNA) to provide flu shot clinics.
Clinic Dates and Locations:
Tuesday, Oct. 23 - Olympia High School, 2:30-6 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 24 - Capital High School, 2:30-6 p.m.
The clinics are open to all OSD staff, students, families (children must be four years of age or older) and community members. Please note that students under 18 will need a Patient Consent Form signed by a parent/legal guardian.
You must provide health insurance information. While almost all insurance plans are accepted, the SVNA does not accept Cigna.
Download the Consent Form here. Forms will also be available at the clinic.
Students under 18 without insurance coverage will be offered the shot at no cost. Adults without coverage must pay $40.00 by cash or check only.
For more information please contact Ken Turcotte, executive director of student support at (360) 596-7542 or [email protected].