The community is invited to view and comment on initial sketches of a proposed new Capital High School Performing Arts Center, as well as learn about other school building improvements.
Capital Planning and Construction department staff will team with project consultants from McGranahan Architects to share the sketches, answer questions, and take input from 5-6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22 in the Capital High School Commons, 2707 Conger Ave., Olympia.
Plans are to seek bids in spring of 2019 for the Capital High School construction project and break ground in summer of 2019. The project is funded by the voter-approved 2016 school bond.
In addition to building a new 500-seat theatre and performance space, the major components of construction include replacing the main building siding, reroofing portions of the school, adding some new windows, updating classroom shop areas, repairing the fire truck access loop, removing non-functioning in-wall heaters, and replacing all furnaces and air-conditioning units while installing a new controls system.
At this time the new Performing Arts Center is planned to be located between the Commons and gym near the lower parking lot. Initial sketches show it as a two-story complex with glass windows.