Family Resources
The Olympia School District recognizes that technology can transform learning when implemented thoughtfully. We also recognize that screen time at school looks differently from screen time at home. The digital-use divide refers to the growing gap in the way in which the students use the devices for academic purposes. Rather than using the devices passively (for online worksheets or simply consuming media), our teachers have been tasked with providing students with actives uses for technology integration. Students are using technology to create, design, build, explore, and collaborate on learning opportunities that integrate into the established curriculum. This active use of technology deeply engages the child’s mind with the content and therefore creates a meaningful learning experience.
The way in which students use technology at home will likely vary from how it is used at school. Technology use at home is typically more passive and takes parent involvement in order to decide the best use of the device based on the age of the child. The American Academy of Pediatrics has created a variety of resources for families to utilize when integrating digital media into a child’s daily life (18 months to 18 years old). Families can create a Family Media Use Plan to help guide how much time should be spent on screen time once time in school, physical activity, after school activities, and family time are factored in. Asking your child’s teacher how they use technology in the classroom can help you to develop your Family Media Use Plan. Find the Family Media Use Plan at:
The Olympia School District also provides access to parent resources about digital citizenship found on Common Sense Media. In addition, the SecURLy Parent Portal allows families to monitor student activity and to set up home rules on school-issued Chromebooks.