What does SEL look like in the Olympia School District?
SEL is an integral part of the academic and social emotional wellness of students. OSD utilizes CASEL Core Competencies and the Washington State SEL Standards and Benchmarks which are critical in achieving the OSD Student Outcomes. These provide a guide as we continue to build on systems for whole child education in the district.
In the Olympia School District our students will advocate for the social, physical and mental wellness of themselves and others and be hopeful about the future. They will be skillful at monitoring, promoting and seeking resources to ensure their physical and mental wellness.
To better ensure our students will meet these outcomes we are committed to:
- Providing a safe and welcoming environment in which students are provided opportunities to demonstrate persistence and build resilience;
- Cultivating a pre-K-12 learning environment that empowers student voice, ownership of learning and a growth mindset;
- Employing highly skilled, compassionate staff who are trained in the best practices for supporting student social and emotional development; and
- Engaging authentically with families and the community.
In the area of social/emotional development and support the Olympia School District has staff, supports and programs to meet the varying needs of students and families. These supports are deployed in three tiers depending on the intensity of the need. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a prevention and intervention framework for enhancing the adoption and implementation of a continuum of evidence-based practices to achieve important outcomes for all students.
When students are identified as presenting with more intensive needs, these concerns are reviewed by a building student assistance team. Students with moderate needs will be matched to established resources within the building. For students with more intensive needs that require individualized intervention, the team may refer families to services in the community, or encourage them to seek guidance from their health care provider.
Social/emotional and parenting support is also available to families; accessing this support is facilitated by contacting your student’s counselor, or by contacting the OSD Student Support Department.
3 Tiers of SEL

Olympia School District staff who support Social/Emotional Health
Teachers, staff and building administrators all work together to create a supportive culture for students and families. In addition, the following individuals provide support and services tailored to the specific needs of the students:
School Counselors support students in the areas of academic achievement as well as personal/social development.
School Psychologists address student learning needs in a collaborative manner with educators and parents. They also facilitate the special education identification, referral and evaluation processes.
School Social Workers work with at-risk students, serve as the link between families and the school, and coordinate community resources to best support students and families.
Drug and Alcohol Counselors work with students who have drug and alcohol concerns. They help families access assessments and treatment programs in the community.
School Nurses address a wide spectrum of student wellness and are often the first staff to identify potential problems/issues.
Behavioral Health Resource Therapists work with our students and families who are Medicaid eligible in severe need of mental health services. The Olympia School District and BHR have an MOU and services at no cost to the Olympia School District.
College and Career Specialists support students post-high school pathway exploration with appropriate resources through High School & Beyond Plan lessons to prepare students for employment, apprenticeships, college admission and technical programs.
High School Graduation Specialists work directly with middle and high school students who are at risk of not graduating on time.
Questions? Concerns? Wondering who to call?
If you have concerns about your child, start with your building principal or nurse, or your child’s counselor or teacher; they can help find the best resources for you. The Olympia School District is committed to serving the needs of our students and their families. Please do not hesitate to reach out.