The Olympia School District is seeking students, staff and community members interested in serving on a new School Safety Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC).
The committee's purpose is to assist the superintendent in crafting procedures to accompany Policy 4311 that will guide and inform any formal partnership with the school district and the City of Olympia. The committee will also assist the superintendent in crafting a draft Memorandum of Understanding to serve as the springboard for any negotiation between the district and City of Olympia for any future school/external staff including uniformed officers.
The committee will be led by an outside facilitator. Membership will include representation from students, staff and family/community members with an emphasis on students. CAC members should represent the diversity of the district and community. The committee will include:
- 10 students: Two from both Olympia and Capital High schools, one from both Avanti High and the Olympia Regional Learning Academy, and one from each of the district's four middle schools.
- 10 adults: School Board Directors Scott Clifthorne and Talauna Reed, four OSD employees, and four OSD family/community members.
The School Safety CAC will meet 4-7 times beginning in the month of October. Each meeting will be held in-person during weekday evenings (dates and times to be determined). Light refreshments will be served. Additional information about the committee, including a link to the committee charter approved by the school board on September 28, 2023, is posted on the district website.
Please complete this application (English, Spanish, Vietnamese) if interested in serving on the School Safety Citizens Advisory Committee. The deadline to submit this application is 11 p.m. on Monday, October 16, 2023.
A screening committee will review applicants and select members, who will be notified. There will be other opportunities to provide feedback for those not selected.