Launching July 2025
The Olympia School District has been gearing up for a major information system upgrade: transitioning from Skyward SMS 2.0 to Skyward Qmlativ in July 2025. This move promises enhanced functionality across key areas of student information, payroll, finance and human resources. It also improves the functionality of both Family and Student access.
This transition presents a significant undertaking for our district. For over a year, numerous district departments (including the Business Office, Student Information, and Human Resources) have been involved in the planning and implementation stages. This includes meticulous migration planning, data refinement, and training planning. The migration will be a work in progress. We will keep you updated with timeline updates as the 2024-25 school year progresses.
Please Note: Training will be provided to all staff before the 2025-26 school year starts.
Like any major technology upgrade, there will be challenges along the way. We greatly appreciate your patience and flexibility as we work through these initial hurdles.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Qmlativ?
Qmlativ is the latest version of Skyward’s Educational Management System. Olympia School District (OSD) utilizes Skyward throughout the district with staff, students and parents. Skyward is used for grading, attendance, transcripts, payroll, staffing, lunch services and many other programs throughout the district.
What is the difference in Qmlativ?
Qmlativ is a system that provides student, human resources, and finance product applications for district and school operations. Qmlativ is a new product which boasts many improved features:
Advanced search options, shortcuts, and other personalization
Customized live tiles and charts that display user specified, real-time data, such as current enrollment and demographic data
Elaborate, cutting-edge reporting – making it easier to find the data you care about, including improved sharing features
Help Center with easy-to-use search options and streamlined resources, including training videos, tutorials, and interactive flowcharts
Why are we migrating to Qmlativ?
OSD is a member of WSIPC which is a cooperative of school district in Washington state. WSIPC is transitioning its member district to the new Educational Management Systems. The new system has many benefits to help with our operational processes.
What processes are involved in the migration?
Clean-up of data: The district datashop, human resources and financial services have begun working with ESD to clean up our data inside of our current system to migrate our data into Qmlativ. As part of our process, we are able to do imports into a test environment to make sure data is coming through correctly.
Training: The Qmlativ Migration Team is reviewing the Qmlativ training resources to assist with mapping out the training plan for all users in the district. Training will be provided to users prior to migration.
When will we start using Qmlativ?
Qmlativ will be live and available for all users summer 2025.
As part of training, prior to going live, users will have access to a non-active Qmlativ site to learn how to use the data system.
Learn more about Qmlativ by watching this short video: