Both Capital and Olympia High Schools conduct football games, soccer matches and track meets at Ingersoll Stadium. Below you will find a schedule of usage for the stadium, specific directions and parking information along with field use regulations and a rental application form for Ingersoll.
Directions, Parking & Regulations
When traveling south on I-5 take exit 105B (Port of Olympia).
After exiting, turn left on Henderson (first light) and continue back under the freeway.
Continue on Henderson.
The stadium will be on the right after passing Pioneer Elementary. Turn right on North Street, at the stop light, and continue to the Ingersoll parking lot.
When traveling north on I-5 take the Port of Olympia exit, go around the "round-about" on Henderson.
Continue on Henderson to North Street (you will see the stadium on your right just past Pioneer Elementary)
Turn right on North Street and proceed to the Ingersoll parking lot.
Leaving the Stadium
Due to potential congestion when exiting the North Street parking lot please note that I-5 may be accessed by turning either right, following North Street to I-5, or turning left, following Henderson to I-5.
Please do not travel through neighborhood streets to avoid congestion on either North Street or Carlyon Street.
Parking in the Ingersoll lot is limited to marked spaces only.
If the Ingersoll lot is full continue on North Street to the Olympia High School North Street parking lot.
Alternate parking is available at Pioneer Elementary and the Olympia High School lots located off Carlyon Street -- Access to these lots is off Carlyon (turn right off Henderson at Pioneer Elementary).
Please remember, no parking on North Street, the church parking lot, or on neighborhood streets due to congestion in these areas
Team Buses/Vans
All team buses and vans should drop athletes off in the North Street Ingersoll parking lot . Buses and vans then should move to the Olympia High School North Street lot. After the match/meet athletes will be directed to the buses in that lot. No team bus or van parking will be allowed in the Ingersoll lot.
Attending Games
To ensure the safety and enjoyment of those attending games, the following procedures are in place.
All bags, backpacks and containers will be subject to search prior to entering the stadium.
No liquids or drink containers will be allowed to be brought into the stadium.
No skateboards, skates or bikes are allowed in the stadium.
Students leaving the stadium may not re-enter.
Please remember that all Olympia School District facilities are tobacco, alcohol, other drug and weapons free areas.
Field Use Regulations
No food, seeds, gum, sports drinks or flavored water may be on the turf or track surfaces--Water only.
Spectators are to remain in the grandstands -- coaches, staff and players only on the field.
Players may not warm-up on the track surface and must use the mat area to enter and leave the turf field
Cow bells, air horns and other noise makers are prohibited at all times.
Carmen Panter, Facilities Use Secretary - (360) 596-8562
Ingersoll Stadium Use Requests for Community Groups
Application for Vendors Use at Ingersoll (PDF, Word)
For public use of Ingersoll Stadium, submit requests through
For public use of other fields (user groups only), contact Scott River, City of Olympia Parks, Arts & Recreation
Facility Use Information
Facilities Use & Rentals
1914 Wilson Street SE
Olympia, WA 98501
Carmen Panter, Facilities Use Secretary - (360) 596-8562