OSD seeks feedback on new policies by Nov. 18
We invite families and community members to provide feedback about two new board policies that went before the Olympia School Board for first reading in September and will likely return for second reading in December.
Please review the following two new policies and procedures and share any feedback by November 18, 2022:
Language Access Policy 4218 focuses on increasing language access in public schools. It supports the district’s commitments to improving meaningful, two-way communication and promoting access to district programs, services and activities for students and their families. The policy and procedure references oral interpretation and written translation and calls for a formalized Language Access Plan and annual self-assessment of the plan beginning in the 2023-24 school year. You can see a copy of the policy and procedure on the Board Policy Review page.
Effective Communication Policy 4217 is focused on serving families/community members who request assistive listening, vision or speech aids or services for school district meetings, programs, activities or events. A copy of the policy and procedure, as wells as a form for requesting the aids/services, is also posted on the Board Policy Review page.
To provide feedback, please email [email protected].