Lottery Process for Enrollment
Parents/guardians will fill out an application for each program they are interested in. All choice school lottery processes will be conducted at each school by office staff. Lottery numbers will be assigned using a random number generator and families will be assigned a unique lottery number. The children of full-time district employees who reside in or outside of the district boundary are eligible for enrollment per RCW 28A.225.225 and therefore eligible for the choice school lottery.
Please plan to attend an information meeting at the school to learn more about the program and to pick up an application. If you cannot attend an information meeting, we require that you contact the school principal. The dates for these meetings are available at each school or on their website.
Note: Students in the Lincoln geographic attendance area do not need to go through the lottery process for Lincoln as this school serves service area students first.
- Children must be 5 years of age by August 31, 2022, to participate in the lottery for kindergarten.
- Families must provide proof of residency attached to the application form (signed lease or utility bill). Proof of residency will be collected with registration paperwork.
- Once a child is accepted in the program, there is no need to apply each year.
- Only one lottery application form is needed for each family for each program.
- If there are openings at other grade levels for other siblings, the school office professional will contact you.
The Choice Program Lottery Pool Numbers Will be Assigned in the Order Outlines Below:
- Students of full-time classified and certified school employees at the choice school;
- Siblings of within-district students at the choice school for the upcoming year; and
- Within-district students.
By law, we only offer seats to out-of-district students if seats are not filled by within-district students. This does not take place until the fall.
Please complete and submit the Choice Program Lottery Application by Friday, March 25, 2022. You may request and complete a paper application to submit.
Lotteries for all choice programs (ORLA Montessori, Lincoln Options, HAP at Hansen) will be held on April 1, 2022.
Families will be notified by the school office prior to April 15, 2022, if their child is accepted.
If you are offered an enrollment spot, please respond to the offer by April 22, 2022. If you do not respond by April 22, 2022, the seat will be offered to another student.
When you accept the enrollment spot, you will be given specific instructions on how to register your child for the 2022-23 school year.
Choice Program Informational Night Invite Sign-Up