Last fall, families participated in a survey based on their experience with their child’s school. Like the data gathered in fall, the survey linked below will be used to determine the level of progress made in different schools and will inform planning going forward as we work towards meeting the district's Student Outcomes, developed as part of the strategic planning process.
In addition to specific questions about distance learning, there are more general survey questions about topics such as family-school communications and school climate.
Please take a few moments to complete this survey. Survey responses will be anonymous. Use the link below then select your student's school from the dropdown menu and the survey will begin.
You may complete a survey for each child enrolled in Olympia School District or for each school in which you have students enrolled. Your time and feedback are greatly appreciated and will be used by your school’s principal to inform planning for the 2021-22 school year.
The deadline to complete this family feedback survey is 8 p.m. on Friday, May 21.
If you have questions about accessing the survey, please email [email protected].