The Olympia School Board has unanimously agreed to adopt a $250.4 million budget for the 2020-21 school year.
The budget approved by the board on June 22 represents $159 for operating resources and $67 million for capital investments, including the $8.5 million technology levy approved by voters in 2018. Remaining resources are devoted to the Associated Student Body fund, Debt Services fund and Transportation Vehicle fund.
The operating budget reflects $4.3 million in budget reductions to address a projected deficit next year. A list of those reductions is posted on the
budget webpage on the Olympia School District website.
During discussion of the proposed budget, the board agreed to an amendment to “suspend the School Resource Officer (SRO) program while re-examining services offered.” The re-examining process will involve conversations with students, families, communities of color, City of Olympia and Olympia Police Department leaders, and district employees. As part of the work going forward, the board discussed the legal requirement to ensure our agreement aligns with state guidance and legislation enacted in 2020 pertaining to School Resource Officers.
In preparation for the 2020-21 school year as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the district is developing plans for multiple operational scenarios, and for the use of a projected $1.2 million in federal resources for pandemic response. Federal resources can be used for costs that exceed normal operating costs, including nurses and health aides, greater cleaning frequency, distance learning costs, professional development, technology investments, additional teachers and/or paraeducators, investments to help with social and emotional health concerns, and transportation costs. Already underway are the purchase of cloth face coverings for students and staff, additional protection and disinfecting supplies, and health room supplies. The district will continue to invest in technology resources for students and teachers, extending the 1:1 chromebook distribution to elementary students, including new kindergarten students.
Learn more about the 2020-21 budget, including the budget presentation shared on June 22 and a list of the approved budget reductions, on the
Olympia School District website budget webpage.