Class of 2021

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2021 Graduation Dates

All dates are tentative and subject to change due to the uncertainty with the COVID-19 Pandemic and DOH Guidelines. 


  • Olympia Regional Learning Academy (ORLA): Wednesday, June 9 at 6 p.m.
  • Transition Academy/Project Search: Friday, June 11 from 6-7:30 p.m.
  • Avanti High School: Saturday, June 12 at 1 p.m.
  • Olympia High School: Friday, June 18 from 4-10 p.m.
  • Capital High School: Saturday, June 19 from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.



Information on this page is general in nature for the Class of 2021. High school counseling staff and building administrators are available to provide information specific to each school.

We know seniors are concerned about graduation and how to meet requirements. We are working closely with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and State Board of Education to provide reasonable pathways for our senior class, and our goal is to graduate every senior student.


We are committed to ensuring that seniors’ graduation and postsecondary planning will not be negatively impacted as a result of the current health crisis.


Visit your high school Counseling Center webpage for contact information.





Answers to frequently asked questions. We will continue to add to the list as we get more questions and more answers. In many cases your high school administrators, counselors and teaching staff will be the best source of information.



2019 OHS Graduation

We continue to monitor guidance as it is provided by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Department of Health and the Governor’s “Healthy Washington Roadmap to Recovery” directive.


Schools will keep seniors and their families updated as we learn more about what guidelines will be for graduation ceremonies and other related events in June.
High schools will be working with the Class of 2021 to come up with plans for celebrating our soon to be graduates. 


Will students get their cap and gown?

Students should contact their school for more details.


How will yearbooks be distributed?

Students should contact their school for more details.

How will graduation honors be announced?

To be determined.





2019 Avanti HS Graduation

In accordance with OSPI and the State Board of Education guidelines, we are developing a plan to support seniors in earning credits for classes they are currently enrolled in, as well as any others they need to meet graduation requirements. Students and families should check with their school and counselors for the most up to date information. 


Flexibility for graduating seniors State Board of Education



The Washington State Board of Education (SBE) approved emergency rules Thursday, March 11 that allow flexibility and local-approval following extensive school building closures due to the COVID-19 outbreak. More information about how the waiver can be used will be provided soon.  


How will the State Board of Education application for emergency waiver impact seniors?

The Olympia School District is currently working on plans to implement use of the State Board of Education adopted emergency rules that allowed school districts to apply for greater flexibility in awarding a diploma to high school seniors impacted by closures.


Eligibility for use of waiver of credits will be determined by school counselor and principal. The waiver should not be necessary for most students who were on-track to graduate prior to the governor's declaration of emergency and continue to make a good faith effort to complete their courses. Please check out the Emergency Graduation Rules, Waivers FAQs for more details.


Can students still get a physical education credit waiver?

Please contact the school counselor for more information.



Per previous OSPI guidance, the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) will not be administered statewide for grades 3–8 nor grade 10 this Spring.


Students in the Class of 2021 who have not yet met the graduation pathway requirement may be eligible for the Expedited Assessment Appeal, which may be used to waive the pathway requirement.



ORLA Graduation 2019Seniors will need to complete their High School & Beyond Plan, per graduation requirements. We are working on a plan to support students completing their plans while schools are closed. You will be contacted by your Career Center staff soon to determine your status completing the HSBP for 2021.


How will the school closures impact my college plans?





Advanced Placement (AP) Testing

The College Board has shared information regarding their plans for the 2021 AP Exams, Please refer to the AP Updates 2020-21 page for additional information.


College in the High School

Yes, students enrolled in College in the High School courses can finish the program and earn college credit. Please work with your teacher to determine the balance of work required to earn credit.


CTE Dual Credit in Approved Courses

CTE teachers are working to ensure all standards are met for qualified CTE dual credit courses. Please reach out to your CTE teachers for the most current information.


Capital HS Graduation 2019International Baccalaureate (IB) Testing

The International Baccalaureate Organization continues to update schools on program plans related to COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.  Additional information will be provided by your school.  Read the March 29 announcement on the  International Baccalaureate COVID-19 (coronavirus) Updates page.


Running Start

Please contact your school counselor for more information.


New Market Skills Center

New Market instructors are committed to working with you and your high school staff, as we work through these adjustments.
In most cases your child’s New Market teacher will be able to answer program questions. 



New Market’s last day of school is June 21, 2021.


For students who need to meet their Graduation Pathway requirement through successful completion of an Advanced Placement class, a College in the High School course, or a Running Start course, will they still be able to graduate?

Students will still be able to complete these classes, earn credit, and thereby meet their Graduation Pathway requirement. There are other options to meet the pathway as well, including a waiver, and these can be found on the OSPI website. School counselors are available to discuss options.


Can I finish an online course?

Yes, please work with your counselor or teacher to verify your status. Your school counselor and teacher can be contacted by email or phone. Please visit your high school Counseling Center webpage or the high school staff directory for contact information.

Financial Aid and Scholarships


Transition Academy Graduation 2019For a student who has received financial aid award letters from the colleges and needs support understanding them, who can they contact?

Students can reach out to school Career Centers for this type of support. They can also access resources on the web such as the Washington Student Achievement Council. College financial aid offices are also great ways to get information.

How will students receive assistance with scholarship applications?

Students should continue to work with high school Career Center staff to review scholarship opportunities. Students should contact teachers directly via email to request recommendation letters and provide the information necessary for teachers to complete the request in a timely way. Students should continue to pursue scholarships.


Visit your high school Career Center webpage for contact information and details about financial aid, scholarships and High School and Beyond Plan.


How can I get a copy of my transcript? 

Please contact your high school registrar to submit a request.


For Avanti transcript requests, please contact Brenda Beck at [email protected].