Submitting a Facility Use Request
The Olympia School District Board of School Directors encourages community use of school facilities when such use is in the public interest, does not conflict with school activities, and is not detrimental to the purpose of schools. Residents, staff members, and community groups can make facility use requests by following the steps in the videos below:
If you need to register for a New Account or if you already have an Account, CLICK HERE to either create an account or login and submit a request to reserve a facility.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are using a facility on the weekend a custodian is required to be present during your event. They will be present ½ an hour before your start/set up time and up to an hour after the end of your event. All organizations will be charged for the time the custodian is on campus for the event. 1 custodian per every 150 people will be required.
Register for a New Account
All facility use requests are completed online. The first step needed to make an online facility use request is to create an ML Schedules user account. You can do so by CLICKING HERE. Be sure to complete all information fields and then click the submit button. If your registration was successful you will receive an e-mail confirmation. The links below will provide additional information if needed:
Log in and Reserve Spaces
Once your account is created you can start making facility reservations using ML Schedules. Click HERE to reach the Log In screen. The video below will further explain the reservation process as will the Community User Quick Start Guide:
Facility Use General Guidelines
School groups and programs are given priority usage of all District facilities. CLICK HERE for the Classification of Groups for Rental Fees.
Applications will not be processed without all completed information, including the certificate of insurance. The School District requires all non-school groups to furnish a Certificate of Insurance ($1,000,000 minimum liability coverage) that lists the Olympia School District as “Additional Insured.”
Users will be billed after the event in accordance with the schedule of usage fee or rental charges. In addition to the facility rental fees, renters will also pay fees for custodial, cafeteria, and light/sound technician services and other fees associated with the rental. All checks should be made payable to the Olympia School District (OSD). Do not pay the staff member directly. CLICK HERE for the Facilities Use Fee Schedule.
The group using school facilities is responsible for providing adequate supervision of the activity. The user is not permitted to enter into any area other than those areas identified in the reservation.
Organizations and groups using school facilities must designate one adult member of its group to be in charge of and responsible for the program or activity at the time application for use of the facilities is made.
Smoking, use of tobacco products and/or illegal drugs and alcohol is prohibited on all school property (indoor or outdoor). If this provision is violated, the renting organization will be denied the privilege of any further rental for the remainder of the school year.
On days when school is canceled or dismissed early because of unexpected circumstances (i.e. severe weather), all activities are canceled.
No organized groups are permitted to use the School District’s athletic fields or indoor facilities without prior approval.
Please read the Regulations for Use of District Facilities for additional information regarding facility usage in the Olympia School District.
Check if the facility you are requesting is available (follow link)
Legal Disclaimers
Hold Harmless Clause
The User(s) undertakes and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the school, school board, school board elected and appointed officials, administrators, principals, teachers and all other school employees, volunteers or representatives, and all persons and bodies corporate acting for or on behalf of them, against all liability, claims, demands, actions, suits, damages, proceedings, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) whatsoever (including injury to persons and damage to property) for which they may be or become liable directly or indirectly arising out of the use of school premises by the User(s) (or the servants, agents or invitees of the user/s)), and for such further sums in excess of those contained in any insurance policy procured by user(s) relating to the use of the school premises or for such amounts as may not be payable under any such insurance policy.
Certificate of Insurance
The User(s) is to take out and maintain current throughout the term of this agreement a General Liability insurance policy with a reputable insurer, having an A.M. Best rating of A- or better, in which (a) the School is indemnified in an amount not less than $1 million for any claims whatsoever (including injury to persons or damage to property) arising out of the use of the School premises by the User(s); (b) the School is named as an Additional Insured under the policy; and (c) the policy or a certificate of insurance must be produced to the School prior to use of the facilities. User(s) and the School agree that any insurance policies procured by User(s) that provide benefits or protection for the School shall be primary and that any policies procured by School that might happen to provide protection or benefits to the School arising out of User’s use of the School premises shall be excess.
The Olympia School District encourages the use of facilities by a variety of groups. However, the district discourages groups from reserving facilities and then not using them. This practice restricts other potential users from gaining access. Therefore, the school district will charge $25 for each occurrence that a facility is reserved but not used. If the total charge for one school year reaches $100, the group will be removed from the approved users list (if they are on that list) and may jeopardize future use of facilities. Cancellations will be accepted by calling the Facilities Use Secretary up to 14 days prior to the event. Cancellations may also be accepted on an emergency basis with prior approval from the Facilities Use Secretary. Cancellations due to inclement weather will be considered an emergency.