If you need to return Chromebooks, textbooks, or other school equipment, you may do so at the Olympia School District Technology Department, located in the lower lot of the Knox 111 Administrative Center.
Please park in the lower lot and come to the building's lower entrance (located at 100 Tullis Street NE, Olympia, WA, 98503). The Technology Department entrance is located at the covered area next to the ramp with the long blue handrail. Simply come to the door and you will be greeted by an OSD employee. There will be no need to enter the building and our staff will be following the governor's orders regarding the use of face coverings.
Hours of operation: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays (the offices are closed from 12:30-1 p.m. for lunch)
If you need to pick up or swap a Chromebook, please schedule a time to do so here. You are also welcome to drop items off at the same time you come to pick up your Chromebook.
Should you have additional questions or concerns, or need technical support, please email us at [email protected], or call our family help line at (360) 596-8530.